Thursday, 1 November 2012

a PrOmiSe iS a PrOmiSe !

Hey Guys  :)

Now I'm gonna talk about my hobby during leisure time which is..
Dofus <3

It is actually a game, one of the MMORPG which stand for Massively 
Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game where you can make
 friend from all over the world, 
share the mission, work together as a team, relaxing the mind and yeah 
one of the way to distract your mind.

As for me, it is a cute game. 
I found so many cute thing in there :D 
Learnt so many things as well.
It is kinda addictive. I've been playing for several years. 
It never get boring up until now where the Developer make 
it easier (less challenging), people left the games,
 players moved to other server which lead to dead server
 and no trusted friends. It was so helpless !
Can you imagine that? :/

At one point I can understand they (Developer) still an organization
 who aim for the maximum profit but this is too much.
 I wonder if they are actually realized 
that the game is getting bored. :/
But I'm not gonna talk about them or else 
it will ruin the moment ! :3

When I first play this game, I have no idea what it is about, 
how to play it, how to 
generate my income and all those thing.
It took me a while to figure it out. When I was in
 Incarnam (the place for the beginner)
 I met few awesome people including this first-Malaysian-friend
 which was Muz I still remember that day !
From him I met the rest Malaysian people who play Dofus. 
Life getting better with the present of  friends !

As the time passes, I'm getting better 
(with appropriate skills and knowledge) 
It was fun until I started to trust those people that I called friend.
Unfortunately, I got scammed on my main which was a feca at that time.
 Yes ! A Malaysian did that to me !! :'(
I was so broken-hearted at that time that I stop play it for a while.

Then I moved to another server which is Zatoishwan. 
I'm from Solar server. 
Zatoishwan was a new server at that time. 
My first character there was a xelor. 
It was hard to level alone as my xelor in wisdom. 
But then Muz lent me his sadi. 
That's Dyhz <3
I played Dyhz too much until I started to love it. 
I even forget the existence 
of my xelor (just for a while :P )

I also met this little girl name Enixa 
(Anika is real name) ! <3 
It's kinda exciting to know that she's a girl since 
most of my Dofus friend were the boys :3
 I met her through Zul. 
Since that, I got a new partner. We go dungeon, leveling, 
messing around, scared the people, chatting on silly topic 
and yeah gossiping as well. LOL !
We did everything together. <3
I was so glad that I met her. She made me feel that there's 
still people that I can trust. 
Her eni was so cute which I love the most. 
Even now that she has gone, some people thought that my eni was hers.
My eni remind me a lot of her and how much I miss her :(

So this is Muz ! :D
 Very nice, kind-hearted, polite. Ohh well, basically he's a good person ! 
(Muz, I need a candy for this ! :D)
I can say that he is a never-say-no guy. o.O

At first, I thought he was the same guy from Solar. I'm so mean 
towards him ( I know -_-)
But then we become close as we used to fight every time we're online. 
In the guild chat ( mostly !) He is the one that introduced Enixa to me.
It's always three of us or it's two when Zul at school. :D
We spent too much time together until we can gossiping together 
on random topic rather than fighting the whole day >.<
Then he went to boarding school.
Leave me and Enixa without guilt ! :( 
Glad that you're back :)

To tell you the truth, I have no idea how I know him. 
Suddenly he add me on Facebook 
and comment on my notes and I was like -who is this guy o.O
At last I know.. "Ohh, it's Kurt's brother" xD
They confused me too much, it was Kurt playing at that time and suddenly..
 it was Rai that continue playing it because every time 
I asked "who are you" and both will answer "Im Crosz" 
and I was like- Ok ! -_-

Aha ! Now there's Ejat ! I can conclude that he is a funny guy, 
responsible (maybe), kind ( I LIED !) has jelly-face :D and MEANIE ! 
OMG ! He keeps on bullying me mentally ! 3:)
I can't stop laughing at him. His words, jokes and when he acting he know 
something when he really don't. 
How I actually know him? 
Ohh well, I have no idea too. He just appear suddenly. 
Like in those horror film. :D
Ohh by the way, I would like to answer a question !
 (Not sure if he still remember it but I think he don't)
Ejat, I can give you 7 out of ten !

My "alien" guildmate. Very interesting to talk to and funny.
 I never know his existence until one day that he actually make fun of me ! 
I think he's too obsess with this alien thingy that he give me few links
 of the  discovery of existence of alien in Earth. 
Can't believe that I actually watch it till the end >.<
Matt, I just want you to know that you owe me a stab for calling me SHETA ! :D

Another alien friend ! I like to zaap-sitting with him. 
It was fun to go against him with Nawa <3
Interesting and funny (no wonder he got many fanboy haha)
My price-consultant as well ! :D

I got so many friends on Dofus but I'm not gonna 
mentioned all of them.
 Few is enough I guess ! :)
For those I don't mention, please.. no hard feeling ! :)

 Strawhats was the best guild I ever had <3
Awesome leader and guildmates. 

 Enixa in "cute" transformation !

Dyhz with Sacrier name Cutee :)

  Capturing the bounties - someone need to buy his desperate bow ! 

Snowman !

It's Halloween ! 

Aha ! This is my cute eniripsa ! Little Shera ! <3

Now that Dofus has changed a lot. I miss my old life during 1.29 ! :/
Still remember the music? xD

It stuck in my mind. When I close my eyes, I can see that 
I was running in the Astrub City. 
 Reaping the wheat, turning them into flour, and then bake it and sell it to the market with the reasonable price and NOT only me ! 
I got like serious competition as well haha :)

Now that it's been 2 months that I didn't open Dofus at all as I have promised
not to play when I'm studying here, UiTM.
Well, promise still a promise! :3

Thanks everyone for the memories. That was so sweet <3

pEcaH kACe , pEcaH sIMeN, sUdAh Bce, tOLonG kOmeN?? :D

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