Friday, 30 November 2012

iTsSsS... eMeRgeNcy !

Hey guys !

Hello everyone. How was your day?
I hope it's good and shining. 
Just like mine ! 
Heee :P

OMG ! I got bad news. 
It doesn't effect the others,
but only me.
 My emergency alarm as well,
keep on ringing.
It sounds something like
'Danger ! Danger ! Danger !'

Danger ! Danger!  Danger !

Help me ! Help me ! 
I need to hurry !
What should I do?



I spent sometimes to review other's blog
and guess what !

Theirs so damn pretty.
I don't even know what to do to make mine looks
interesting and beautiful.
I'm not that creative after all.

Sometimes it took us sometimes
to learn huh?
Well, it does seem so.
I don't have much either to spent to explore 
the whole web to find all the thing I need.
My house don't have a good internet either.
It sounds like an excuse to u huh?
Well, to me too actually -_-

But hey, I atleast put some effort to cheerish my blog.
For that, I would reward myself. :D
Sleep seems to be a good reward. Hehe


To my dearest friend with beautiful blog,
I won't give up.
I'm coming with all my guns and weapon.
Wait for me !! :D

Until then, my emergency alarm will keep on ringing !

pEcaH kACe , pEcaH sIMeN, sUdAh Bce, tOLonG kOmeN?? :D

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